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Welcome to OpenPHPNuke
This is the English OpenPHPNuke-Project-Page.
OpenPHPNuke (OPN) is an Open Source Web Content Management System (WCMS) which will assist you in the creation, administration, and maintenance of contents for the internet or intranet. With OPN you can build your homepage, a web portal, and various other ideas for the internet. Our website here is the meeting platform for our active OPN community where we share lots and lots of information and support about OPN. You are cordially invited to surf around, yet some areas can only be accessed by registered members. If you wish to obtain a username, you can register for free - right here .
Are you interested in helping to make OPN available in your language? Or you might want to join the team to improve the English language support in OPN? Contact us to share your ideas and to get support for your language project.
So have fun and success for your projects on OPN basis
your OPN- Team
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