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OPN Release 2.4.16 is out
OPN NewsFinally it is out: OPN Release 2.4.16 has been rolled out.

IMPORTANT!!! After autoupdate you have to run at least once a pluginrepair, a repair menus of the modules. (better to it serveral times). If you can´t see the dropdown menu,
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Sunday, March 15 30357
Release of OPN Version 2.4.15
mysql News and ToolsWe published the release of OPN Version OPN 2.4.15 this weekend.

Some bugs have been fixed, some new features have been implemented . There is a complete new module named Anytable. It enables you to set up and display Excel like tables in
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Monday, December 08 28048
OPN 2.4.14 is out!
mysql News and ToolsWe published the release of OPN Version OPN 2.4.14 today.

Numerous bugs have been fixed, some new features have been implemented and at least there are some tweaks to make OPN even more secure. Apart there is a new TPL now, a little fix for
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Sunday, September 14 27314
Release 2.4.10 !
OPN NewsHello everybody,

yes the new realease of OPN (Version 2.4.10) is out!

Several bugs have been fixed, and many new features have been added. For details please check the changelog.

There are major changes in the installation process:

  • -
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Thursday, January 24 50496
OPN Version 2.4.9 is out !
OPN DEV NewsHello everybody,

the new release OPN 2.4.9 is now available!

Numberous bugs have been fixed and new features have been realised.(e.g. the modul User_Favorites has been added), exact data of all chages you find in the changelog.

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Thursday, November 01 28653
OpenPHPnuke 2.4.8 available
OPN DEV NewsHello everyone,

the new release of OPN 2.4.8 is out!

There have been some bugfixes and quite a number of new features have been included! Please find all details in our changelog.

All downloads can be found here.
The full version and all
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Tuesday, September 04 28532
OPN 2.4.7
OPN DEV NewsFind the full version here: OPN 2.4.7

openphpnuke-2.4.7-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages included
openphpnuke-2.4.7-core.* - OPN without the modules
openphpnuke-2.4.7-modules-full.* - Only the modules complete

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Tuesday, September 04 28032
OpenPHPnuke 2.4.6 available
OPN NewsFind the full version here:
OPN 2.4.6

openphpnuke-2.4.6-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages included
openphpnuke-2.4.6-core.* - OPN without the modules
openphpnuke-2.4.6-modules-full.* - Only the modules complete

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Wednesday, May 02 31269
OpenPHPnuke 2.4.5 available
OPN NewsChanged:
- Fixed some bugs and added more features.
- 2 new Modules: "LAW MAKING" and "SUPPORTNOTE"

Find the full version here:
OPN 2.4.5

openphpnuke-2.4.5-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages
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Saturday, March 10 32231
OpenPHPNuke 2.4.4 available
OPN NewsFind the full version here:
OPN 2.4.4

openphpnuke-2.4.4-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages included
openphpnuke-2.4.4-core.* - OPN without the modules
openphpnuke-2.4.4-modules-full.* - Only the modules complete

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Monday, February 19 30703
Changes in Theme Structure in OPN 2.4
OPN DEV NewsThe theme structure was changed in OPN 2.4, so you should be careful when updating your old system and using an own them. We recommend you to install OPN locally and check your theme before uploading to your webspace.

Friday, December 08 17926
openPHPnuke 2.4.3 available
OPN NewsFind the full version here:
OPN 2.4.3

openphpnuke-2.4.3-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages included
openphpnuke-2.4.3-core.* - OPN without the modules
openphpnuke-2.4.3-modules-full.* - Only the modules
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Monday, December 04 23033
OpenPHPNuke 2.4.2 available
OPN NewsFind the full version here:
OPN 2.4.2

openphpnuke-2.4.2-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages included
openphpnuke-2.4.2-core.* - OPN without the modules
openphpnuke-2.4.2-modules-full.* - Only the modules
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Monday, December 04 21685
Bugfix OPN-2.3.7
OPN NewsIt's mostly a bugfix
Find the full version here: OPN 2.3.7

Find the patch here: openphpnuke 2.3.6 to 2.3.7

openphpnuke-2.3.7-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages included
openphpnuke-2.3.7-core.* - OPN without the
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Monday, September 04 26453
Bugfix OPN-2.3.6
OPN NewsIt's mostly a bugfix
Find the full version here: OPN 2.3.6

Find the patch here: update 2.3.5 to 2.3.6

openphpnuke-2.3.6-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages included
openphpnuke-2.3.6-core.* - OPN without the
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Saturday, July 08 25547
ATTENTION: security fix available
OPN DEV NewsUnfortunatly some opn-sites has been attacked by a very special exploit. We (the dev team) has been informed by that about 10:30 april 30. After an analysis and first hotfixes the cause is as followed (15:00 april 30):
  • a special weak
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Monday, May 01 45705
Bugfix OPN 2.3.3
OPN DEV NewsOPN 2.3.3 is mostly a bugfix, but also we have two newest classes for the themes, there do you add in your theme.css.
The newest classes of css are:

.alternatorsubhead {
background: #bfdcfb;
border: solid 1px #A5A5A5; color: #000;
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Wednesday, April 05 24206
OPN 2.3.2 PHP 5.1.2 compatible
OPN DEV NewsIt's a bugfix and we make OPN PHP 5.1.2 compatible.
Pleas note something this OPN is not compatible witz PHP 5.1.1, read this article!

Find the full version here: OPN 2.3.2

Find the patch here: update 2.3.1 to
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Thursday, March 09 31484
OPN and PHP 5.1.1
OPN DEV NewsSome OPN users reported problems with the installation of OPN under PHP 5.1.1 (white page with step 6 e.g.).

These problems are not caused by OPN - its because of an known bug within PHP 5.1.1 (the treatment of $$vari and ${vari} called -
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Thursday, March 09 30756
Bugfix OPN-2.3.1
OPN DEV NewsIt's mostly a bugfix
Find the full version here: OPN 2.3.1

Find the patch here: update 2.3.0 to 2.3.1

openphpnuke-2.3.1-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages included
openphpnuke-2.3.1-core.* - OPN without the
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Tuesday, February 28 27390
OpenPHPNuke 2.3.0 Release available
OPN DEV NewsOpenPHPNuke 2.3.0 Release available

There are really big changes from 2.2.6 to 2.3.0, nearly every file was edited.

There is now a WYSIWYG Editor called FCK Editor available.

Be aware to save your theme and modify it for the new
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Saturday, January 28 30544
Revised 2.2.6 Version
OPN DEV NewsHi at all,

Since yesterday you can download HERE the revised full version 2.2.6 rev 4275 as well as the update version 2.2.5 -2.2.6fix Rev.4275 and an update 2.2.6 Rev. 3236 to Version 2.2.6 Rev. 4275


To download the files you must
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Monday, November 07 35333
Themes für 2.2.6 available at Sourceforge
OPN ThemesThe themes for OPN version 2.2.6 are now available at Sourceforge. Be aware, the themes in our SVN repository are for future version 2.3 and are not working in 2.2.6.

When working with 2.2.6 themes you must use our Bugtracking Page if you
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Friday, August 05 49274
Developing new Media Gallery for OPN
OPN NewsThe devolopers of OPN are creating a new Mediagallery. Therefore you can find a new module mediagallery in the trunk version of OPN Subversion Repository.

Please do not install this module. It is not yet released and you will run in big
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Sunday, July 31 49680
Anonymous Download via Sourceforge available
OPN NewsIf you don't want to register and use the download we provide here, you can now use the anononymous download at sourceforge

OpenPHPNuke is released under the GPL

Monday, July 25 40844
New feature Autolink implemented in OPN trunk
OPN NewsIf you are writing text and you are using words which are defined in Glossary module, these words are converted automatically to links to glossary.

In the following an example: avatar

Using the macro capability in OPN you can also define
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Monday, July 18 45708
OPN DEV NewsIn the future version of OPN, 2.3 ( or in trunk version if you use our OPN repository), you will have the choice to use a WYSIWYG Editor or use the old system. The OPN developer team has choosen FCKEditor to expand the capabilities of OPN
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Monday, July 18 39546
Improved textareas
HTML and BBCode buttons are now shown in textareas (where it makes sense). Smilies and userimages are only shown if click the appropriate icons. If the FCKEditor is installed, these icons are shown always. We hopethe elemnts are more clearly
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Monday, July 18 38441
Changes in category handling
OPN DEV NewsHombergs from the OPN developer team announces new efforts on caregories. All categories will get new info about position, images and usergroup. Multiple categories can now be associated to each other e.g an article can now belong to
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Monday, July 18 36931
OpenPHPNuke 2.2.6 available
OPN DEV NewsTo download the files you must be registered and logged in!

It's mostly a bugfix release to prepare the step to opn 2.3.0.

Find the full version here: OPN 2.2.6

Find the patch here: update OPN 2.2.5 to 2.2.6

openphpnuke-2.2.6-full.* -
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Friday, May 06 47535

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