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OPN Release 2.4.16 is out

IMPORTANT!!! After autoupdate you have to run at least once a pluginrepair, a repair menus of the modules. (better to it serveral times). If you can´t see the dropdown menu, press F5 to reload the page.
This release is a big update, because of the progress to 2009 all files were changed.
There a some new modules, some user requests have been implemented and some bus were fixed.
* Realisation of user desired features *
* New category handling
* Slow transition to PHP5 as preferred system
* Themengroup - Handling Rework
* ISO Composer Enhancement for Domain renaiming also in website content
* Enhanced view for sitemap in the themes
* Fix for FF browser bug in an option field
* Added Centerbox for Backend
* Added DowpDown menu to meta tags
* Added DowpDown menu for yellow pages
* Added DowpDown for last seen
* Added DowpDown for review
* Added xDebug
* Added search funktion to module moduleinfo
* Added admin function to delete calendar entries
* Theme change: delete css class bgcolor3
* Theme change: delete $opnTheme['bgcolor3']
* Theme change: add CSS Class für Kommentare
* Add module: tag cloud
* Add new module: tinyMCE as alternative editor
* Add new sidebox: social bookmarks
* Add trick that Google recognizes page as "Blog"
* Add new settigs for FCK [MB]
* Change Dropdown Menu to HTML set - Enhancement for Bots [MB]
* Add function in article: enhanced options for show/hide of articles
* Add function in articlebox: newest article selection out of several articles categories
* Add function in articlebox: article date box - selection of articles of several articles categories
* Add re-presentation for partner, sidebox, centerbox and yellowpages
* New Settings für FCK added[MB]
* DropDown Menu changed to HTML Set - better for bots [MB]
* OpenID Login added
* Important security fix for SQLITE users
* MySql Installation with parameter „STRICT_TRANS_TABLES“ now included
* Config test in Windows enviroment does not abortÄnderungen könnt ihr hier im Changelog. entnehmen.
To update OPN version 2.4.15 to 2.4.16 download the update files. If you do update OPN, please follow the update introductions.
For a new installation from the scratch please read the installation tutorial.
The Full version download and the update files can be found in the download section behind the link "Zusätzliche Dateien"
So enjoy the new release !
The OPN-Team
Posted by golive on 2009-03-15 10:41:54 (30409 * reads)
Release of OPN Version 2.4.15

Some bugs have been fixed, some new features have been implemented . There is a complete new module named Anytable. It enables you to set up and display Excel like tables in your website. You can find a detailed description here .
All changes and new features can be found in the change log.
Question on single topics will always be answered if you post them in the forum. For fast help visit the chat
To Update from 2.4.14 to 2.4.15 please follow the documentaion.
For a new installation please read here...
The Downloads can be found here ... - remember you have to be registered and logged in to see all files.
So enjoy OPN
the OPN Team
Posted by golive on 2008-12-08 10:31:37 (28093 * reads)
OPN 2.4.14 is out!

Numerous bugs have been fixed, some new features have been implemented and at least there are some tweaks to make OPN even more secure. Apart there is a new TPL now, a little fix for PHP5, Dropdown Menu in Menu XL and some more new and excirting things to discover...
All changes and new features can be found in the change log.
Question on single topics will always be answered if you post them in the forum. For fast help visit the chat
To Update from 2.4.13 to 2.4.14 please follow the documentaion.
For a new installation please read here...
The Downloads can be found here ... - remember you have to be registered and logged in to see all files.
So enjoy OPN
the OPN Team
Posted by golive on 2008-09-14 12:07:45 (27371 * reads)
Release 2.4.10 !

yes the new realease of OPN (Version 2.4.10) is out!
Several bugs have been fixed, and many new features have been added. For details please check the changelog.
There are major changes in the installation process:
- - working without the globals in php.ini
- - variables will tested on OPN conformity
- - you can go back the installations steps without loosing data - (optional)
- - password proposal
- - detection if cache/mainfile is not writeable.
- - automatic repair if cache/mainfile is not writeable.
- - debug modus on/off
- - themes_opn_default_****** / opn_templates_compiled_***** /
- - opn_templates_****** got wrong rights in the last installation version - fixed.
- - http auth added (in passwd.php name and password can be provided)
- - in case of an error (SQL): display of MySQL / SQLite version that is installed on your server.
The new module "user friends" will not be released until the next version.
The update is quite big, because nearly all files have been changed from 2007 to 2008.
For dowloading the new version please follow this link.
Your OPN-Team
Posted by golive on 2008-01-24 09:37:18 (50535 * reads)
OPN Version 2.4.9 is out !

the new release OPN 2.4.9 is now available!
Numberous bugs have been fixed and new features have been realised.(e.g. the modul User_Favorites has been added), exact data of all chages you find in the changelog.
All downloads can be found here.
The full version and all the update packages you find under the headline "Zusätzliche Dateien"
openphpnuke-2.4.9-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages included
openphpnuke-2.4.9-core.* - OPN without the modules
openphpnuke-2.4.9-modules-full.* - Only the modules complete
There are also update files to update older OPN versions 2.4.8 to 2.4.9: here
Note: the somewhat strange revision number '1138:1142' is based on the fact, that the modul user favorites has been added accidently after finishing the package without checking the version number again.
Additional info: after a successful update please check if the setting for CHMOD for new directories is set to 0777 or 0755. You will find it in Admin - Settings - Filesystem. If there is a wrong value set, OPN will not be able to write new directories (e.g. the cache dirs). Mostly neccessary when you install new moduls.