OPN Version 2.2.0 RC available      Auf Facebook posten http://www.openphpnuke.com/system/article/index.php?opnparams=CntdOAI3CmdWM1Uw

OPN DEV NewsWe are pleased to announce you the availability of OPN 2.2.0 RC.

* Please note *
RC means "Release Candidate" and is adressed as a try and test version. Because there are really much changes it may be possible, there are are bugs which may disturb online working webpages. You must not use this RC version for your "real" working webpage.

Why we are publishing such a RC version:

Because of these major changes which may produce sideeffects in not so often used modules and/or installations. We beg you to test this version as hard as you can. The more people are testing the better the new OPN 2.2.x tree will become.
There is also the chance for you to get your own OPN modules working with the new 2.2.x tree. We will assist you.

What's new?

-> new modules (e.g. bugtracking)
-> changes in the output routines of the modules. In the future there will be new possibilities to place boxes
-> improved security
-> suppressed error messages in PHP5 no possible via Admin Menu (Compatibility Mode)
-> polls now available in FAQ and Sections.
-> Bugfixes over version 2.1.2
-> and much more

What to do with your own 2.1.x modules?
You can use them in 2.2.x only if you did some modifications!

Where to download the new version?
Find the new version in our download section if you are registred an logged in.
Use this link.

OPN Dev-Team

Posted by xweber on 2004-10-12 19:56:42  (27882 * reads) 

     Auf Facebook posten http://www.openphpnuke.com/system/article/index.php?opnparams=CntdOAI3CmdWM1Uw


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