Changes in the contact us-form   All articles   Auf Facebook posten

OPN DEV NewsOriginally written by hombergs, translated by xtreme

In build 100 the module for your contact-form will be very much changed.
Now you can make the fields for URL, ICQ, firm, and location visible or invisible.
The module will contain several more features. You can for example set address and telephone number visible (important for companies or clubs).

Here, you are free to specify who is going to receive the contact-email
(i.e. service-, complaints-, or support-department etc.). In a combobox
those departments can be displayed for you to choose from. Formerly, your
mails could only be sent to one single address - and the webmaster had to
distribute them to the respective recipients. Especially for companies
with various support departments those facilities can be very helpful.

For an example check
Here address and telephone number are placed in a list.
Important: the older contact form module has to be deinstalled before you update the system to build 100, after the update you have to reinstall it.

Posted by manne on 2003-04-23 22:16:19  (12414 * reads) 

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