King of "free" CMS?      Auf Facebook posten

OPN NewsI must admit... I am a little biased! after all, I am writing this article here at OPN.

What can I say? I mean, I am no genius when it comes to the cutting edge of php coding... actually I am just a newbie that was facinated the first time I pulled up PHP-NUKE in my browser window and everything worked like a charm... well... almost.

No negative comments from me... I'm just implying that, although it was an AWESOME system (The one which all others are compared to sooner or later), it was a bit difficult to fully customize, since the files were scattered, and many "Themes" didn't work, and would screw things up sometimes. BACK UP YOUR DATABASE KIDS!!!

I loved PHP-NUKE tho... I still do, but I soon moved on to a much cleaner system called PostNuke. Please take note, that most of the CMS systems are forks of PHP-NUKE.

Postnuke was a cool system too!! A great community of users are available at the official PostNuke site... but I still couldn't get over the concept of the "static block" layout of the PostNuke system...

Also, these systems did not seem to hande upgrades well, as most of the time your add-on's were sloppy or had "oldschool" coding used before the new API came along... or whatever...

This means TIME FIXING STUFF... UUGGHHH!!! Lot's of time wasted...

The next step was Envolution... again, I spent much time in this system, but felt there had to be more out there... better usability, easier customization???

I tried Mambo, which is nice, but limited in modules and so forth...

Don't get me wrong... I can't build one of these sytems myself... but it seems as soon as I figure out one CMS, another one comes along that does what I have been trying to do...

Enter OpenPHPNuke!! :) Easy install... lot's of modules!!

If you have used any of the systems I have mentioned, you will be doing yourself a great favor to give OPN a try! You can even upgrade from several CMS systems to OpenPHPNuke with the upgrade scripts that come with the download...

And the support... WOW! I have never seen such a great (responsive) support team... THANKS OPN for taking things to the next level!!

I can't speak for anyone else, but personally... I think OpenPHPNuke is the "King of CMS"

Posted by klehman on 2003-10-07 04:42:49  (24124 * reads) 

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Re: King of "free" CMS? 
by hombergs  on 2003-10-07 04:54:58 
Thx for the flowers.

But when you think with this features OPN is the "King of CMS", then request a license via Admin/Updatemanager/Request a license. This is for the online updatesystem from OPN.
This system is pretty easy when you have a license for updates.
1. Go into Admin/Updatemanager
2. Select Show the installable updates
3. When a update is available:
3.1 Downoad it
3.2 Unpack the zip-file
3.3 Upload the updated files to your webspace
3.4 Click on install update in the list
4. Enjoy the new update.

So then OPN will in your eyes the "Emperor of CMS"

Whats a program without support when you find a bug or you have a problem? Those program without support from the developers are nothing in my eyes.
Re: King of "free" CMS? 
by xweber on 2003-10-07 06:35:19
Well, its damned early in the morning. I have to get up so early, coz i'm very busy at work these days. As usal I'm doing my "wakeup"-round in the internet and browsing to our .com

Now I've read your article... and right yet i have a problem.
Who will clean my desk because of all the coffee?

Thank you for your words!

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