Author anonymous
Date 2005-10-12 05:15
Posts: Sorry if I seem like an idiot, but I find myself completely confused towards how to finish setting OpenPHPNuke up.

I downloaded and installed the software... painless enough on the second try (the first try, I though it detected the correct paths... it installed and then had nothing but broken images and broken links).

I then automatically installed all the modules... that went smoothly too.

But despite this, as far as I can tell, none of the modules are actually accessible to users and the "administration" and "admin sidebox" menus are the largest labrynth I've ever seen in a single program (and I used to run DOS based BBSs).

Maybe I'm overlooking something completely obvious because I exist on average of 4 hours of sleep per day, working 9-5, going to school from 7-10, and then trying to work with OPN between 11pm and 1am, at the end of the day.

Anyway, if someone could give me a nutshell tutorial about how to at least get the forum and gallery functional to visitors... and perhaps a hint were to find some nice themes and how to install them, I'd be EXTREMELY greatful.

Thanks in advance,


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