Author anonymous
Date 2006-01-29 14:11
Posts: anonymous wrote at January 29, 2006 at 13:09:52 clock the following:

Now I got this on screen 7/8

Notice: Undefined index: opn_charset_encoding in K:Xamppxampphtdocsopnmaster.php on line 331


Create tables / index / data Now the tables / index / data of OPN will be created.

Fatal error: mysql error: [1439: Display width out of range for column 'position1' (max = 255)] in EXECUTE("CREATE TABLE opn_opn_middlebox (sbid INT (10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, sbtype TEXT NOT NULL, sbpath TEXT NOT NULL, visible INT (1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, seclevel INT (10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, category INT (10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, side INT (1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, position1 FLOAT (0,0) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, options BLOB NOT NULL, anker INT (4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, themegroup INT (10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, width INT (10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, module VARCHAR (250) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, info_text VARCHAR (250) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (sbid)) ") in K:Xamppxampphtdocsopnincludeopndb-errorhandler.php on line 217

I don't get it...

I could solve the problem with the master.php-file... so it doesn't give me that error anymore...

I putt this in...

if (!isset($opnConfig['opn_charset_encoding'])) {
$opnConfig['opn_charset_encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1';

The only thing remaining is this error...

Fatal error: mysql error: [1439: Display width out of range for column 'position1' (max = 255)] in EXECUTE("CREATE TABLE opn_opn_middlebox (sbid INT (10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, sbtype TEXT NOT NULL, sbpath TEXT NOT NULL, visible INT (1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, seclevel INT (10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, category INT (10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, side INT (1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, position1 FLOAT (0,0) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, options BLOB NOT NULL, anker INT (4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, themegroup INT (10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, width INT (10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, module VARCHAR (250) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, info_text VARCHAR (250) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (sbid)) ") in K:Xamppxampphtdocsopnincludeopndb-errorhandler.php on line 217

What could be the problem?

Thanx in advance for helping...

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