Author anonymous
Date 2007-04-06 16:50
Posts: Hi,

I try to install opn 2.4.4 and i get the error:

Fatal error: mysql error: [1101: BLOB/TEXT column 'description' can't have a default value] in EXECUTE("CREATE TABLE opn_opn_protector_log (lid INT (11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, uid INT (11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, ip VARCHAR (16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, ptype VARCHAR (255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, agent VARCHAR (255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, description TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, extra TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, wtime NUMERIC (15,5) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (lid)) ") in C:wwwopn2htmlincludeopndb-errorhandler.php on line 220

So can someone tell me whats wrong?


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