Author shazza102
Date 2004-04-10 15:11
Posts: Hi.. I was wondering if i could get some support on how to run our forum.. we had a webmaster helping us,, but unforunatley he no longer has the time to contribute .. is there anyone who could u geve me the basic understanding on where to start to learn how to use this forum?
i would appreciate any help u could offer us

Author anonymous
Date 2004-04-10 17:35
Posts: this is the site for openphpnuke, not for postnuke things.


Author pinklloyd
Date 2004-05-30 06:18
Posts: uhh just wondering, how does the postnuke community think of openphpnuke?

Author pinklloyd
Date 2004-05-30 06:23
Posts: guess a better question would be, would your consider openphpnuke the next generation CMS's over phpnukes, postnukes or whatever nukes you got, or would experience in these platforms give us one up on knowing and developing with openphpnuke? It's just that the platforms seem so different and openphpnuke seems to place the application level higher at times then the normal nukes.....

Author [manne]
Date 2004-06-27 21:08
Posts: Any Post-, PHP-, and other Nukes or CMS users out there who want to tell about their work with OPN? What problems did you have, did you miss some functions?


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