Author misje
Date 2003-12-04 16:49
Posts: I recently started working on a new site, using OPN. Great stuff!
OPN is almost perfect(!), but i cant seem to find a chat module...


Author rvt
Date 2003-12-04 18:22
2003-12-04 16:49
misje wrote:
I recently started working on a new site, using OPN. Great stuff!
OPN is almost perfect(!), but i cant seem to find a chat module...

We are going to solve it by using pjirc (, one downside is that you have to have a IRC server running somewhere but it's a real great applet!!


Author anonymous
Date 2003-12-04 19:32
Posts: cool. when can i expect this to be available?

Author rvt
Date 2003-12-05 12:09
2003-12-04 19:32
anonymous wrote:
cool. when can i expect this to be available?

I hope to of a working module in 2-4 weeks.


Author misje
Date 2003-12-05 12:36
Posts: splendid!

Author [manne]
Date 2003-12-05 19:17
Posts: Hi,
same thread at the german page This site also uses chat.

The following from stefan, OPN developer :

One possible solution as we did it at, is to use
cgiirc. It´s pretty stable and working well. It has the advantage to be useable with other clients.
Most other solutions are loading heavily the server

Very loose translation


Author anonymous
Date 2003-12-12 01:26
Posts: Will the chat module be integrated in the site just like all other modules or will it popup in a new window? And will it be possible to add chatrooms or do we have to stick with a single, open chat?

Author rvt
Date 2003-12-12 09:02
2003-12-12 01:26
anonymous wrote:
Will the chat module be integrated in the site just like all other modules or will it popup in a new window? And will it be possible to add chatrooms or do we have to stick with a single, open chat?

To be onest, I'm not sure yet.

I will design the module to be used just like any other module in OPN. Plug and play…
Since there are a lot of configuration options in pjirc If will not add them all using a nice website but I will include something that will be attached to the parameters option of the applet.

Simple things like adding rooms, servers, changing colors and sizes and such, will be done using the administration part of the module, also based on themegroups.

If will add a side-box on which you can fill in (using admin) what rooms there are available so a basic setup will (hopefully) be plug and play.
My first though is to let it popup a window but this can be a settings aswell I guess.

In all cases you NEED a IRC chat server!!! PJIRC is just a good client…


BTW: I’m not a OPN developer but a user who needs some extra modules…

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