Author rvt
Date 2003-12-05 12:08
Posts: Hey All,

I found the user-image module but I'm not sure how that actually works...
What I basicly want is that a user can upload a image to his profile so other people can see it.
Is that currently possible and of so, how??

(BTW: I have user admin images working...)


Author [manne]
Date 2003-12-05 18:30
Posts: Hi,
as far as I know itīs the same. Perhaps we should change the wording


Author rvt
Date 2003-12-06 10:30
2003-12-05 18:30
manne wrote:
as far as I know itīs the same. Perhaps we should change the wording


I have played around with it but this is not really what I'm looking for.
First of al I don't like that member can add more then one image to the system and secondary it looks like that a 'normal' user cannot upload a image.
When I'm in admin I can see a upload button but when I'm at 'normal user mode' there is no upload image button.

I expect to have around 4000 member in a year if everything goes well (current we gained 750 members in less then 3 weeks) so I just cannot allow that members can upload more then one image for there profile.

One other major problem for me is that when a user uploads a image then the filename is not changed...

Again with so many users it would be a issue that people end up with the same picture names.

So there are two prblems here:

- As a normal user I cannot upload images
- I need some kind of 'profile' image which I can add in the 'your account' box and this mage needs to be encoded. For example -.
So when a user uploads myself.gif and has a userid of 345. the name will end up in myself-345.gif


Author [manne]
Date 2003-12-07 12:45
Posts: Hi
When I'm in admin I can see a upload button but when I'm at 'normal user mode' there is no upload image button.

Checked in OPN_RC and it worked well. Perhaps you should look at Admin --> Usergroups and check in usergroup "User" wether the rights in module "user image" are both green, this means read and write are activated.

I expect to have around 4000 member in a year if everything goes well (current we gained 750 members in less then 3 weeks) so I just cannot allow that members can upload more then one image for there profile.

Ok, but you can restrict the filesize in Admin--> Settings-->Graphics

User Images should work as far as I tested it
You did a wishticket for a profile image, well done, keep you informed about the status of this idea.


Author klehman
Date 2003-12-08 23:46
Posts: Wouldn't the User avatar function take care of this? User admin images is more for article submissions, where Avatar allows you to assign to a certain user only.

Not sure if this helps you rvt, but I think it will do what was requested.

see []/system/user_avatar/index.php page.

K.L.E.H.M.A.N.: Kinetic Lifelike Entity Hardwired for Mathematics and Accurate Nullification Whether you think you can, or you think you can't; either way, you're right!

Author rvt
Date 2003-12-09 19:02
2003-12-08 23:46
klehman wrote:
Wouldn't the User avatar function take care of this? User admin images is more for article submissions, where Avatar allows you to assign to a certain user only.

Not sure if this helps you rvt, but I think it will do what was requested.

see []/system/user_avatar/index.php page.

I'm not sure if the avatar is the right function for this... IMHO a avatar is a small graphic to express 'something' since I'm working on a chat site I really need both... Avatars to be shown next to a forum message and when I want to 'see' somebody I need to go to a profile.

or i'm I wrong here?


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