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     Different news for different groups

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Different news for different groups

Posted: 2004-03-28 05:19


I need to do one thing but I don't know why and If it's possible with openPHPnuke.

I have several groups of users, say A, B and C.

I post an article or a headline (news) and I want that users from group A and C can see it but people from group B don't.

How can I do that? Is this possible?


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Joined: April 12, 2003
Posts: 198

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Different news for different groups

Posted: 2004-03-28 09:23

yes it is possible.

I describe the 'rough' way, but I can explain in detail if necessary:

You can define your own usergroups using
Administration --> Usergroups

You can assign users to usergroups in
Administration --> User

When a user write news, these news may be sent to the Admin for Review. The Admin can then assign the News to a specific Usergroup.

After that, the news will only shown to members of the specific usergroup.


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