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     Image upload....

Author Printer friendly pageImage upload....
Unregistered User
Posted: 2003-11-30 15:50

How do I upload a image when I'm in administration mode?
I need to upload images to the side but can't figure out how to do that without going to my FTP program...

I properly overlooked it but.....


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Joined: April 12, 2003
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Posted: 2003-11-30 16:15

assuming you want to use the image in your article or forum or so the following description works:

First check if module "user images" is installed. Go to
Administration --> Module --> Manage System Modules.
Click on "User Images" and follow the installation.

Second check how many bytes may be uploaded:
Administration --> Settings -->Filesystem
max Filesize for Upload, currently is 30000bytes, change as you want, donīt forget to save the setting.

Third go to
Administration --> Sidebox
and open "menu box"
Search item "User Admin Images" and click checkbox "visible". save settings!

Now go to "Home" an watch the Menu: You will find an entry called
"User Admin Images". Click it.
Search the image using the "search" button. Donīt forget to place a name for the image in "image text". Click add.

Now you can use this image in OPN. Try to write an article and you will see the picture an you can insert it in the article.


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Joined: November 29, 2003
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Posted: 2003-11-30 17:16

Damn this is good!!!!!

thank you so much.... it works as expected


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Joined: November 29, 2003
Posts: 20

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Posted: 2003-12-01 00:06


I had to add this to make image-upload to work correctly:

On line 58 of class.fileupload.php

$this->file['file] = $this->file['tmp_name'];

Otherwise it doesn't work... I know it's a bit of a ugly run-around but at least you know wthat's wrong.


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