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     Download fails on Upload to system - openPHPnuke 2.3.7 [Ananke] (Revision 5731)

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Joined: January 03, 2006
Posts: 39
From: Burlington, Ontario Canada

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Download fails on Upload to system - openPHPnuke 2.3.7 [Ananke] (Revision 5731)

Posted: 2006-11-09 15:07

On upload to the Download section I get an error that a URL is required?
I am using the Browse to upload locally and no need for URL. The error reported is not the correct one as no error is reported in the error log?
Is there a limitation of the file name length or something?

openPHPnuke 2.3.7 [Ananke] (Revision 5731)

It is good to be back on Linux!

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Joined: May 06, 2005
Posts: 12

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Download fails on Upload to system - openPHPnuke 2.3.7 [Ananke] (Revision 5731)

Posted: 2006-11-09 18:13

it was a wrong directory of category

but we have also 3 new release in this time
at version 2.4.0 you must adapt your theme,
in addition there is a documentation, unfortunately only into German


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Joined: January 03, 2006
Posts: 39
From: Burlington, Ontario Canada

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Download fails on Upload to system - openPHPnuke 2.3.7 [Ananke] (Revision 5731)

Posted: 2006-11-26 23:12

Just installed 2.4.2 and I have the same error: ERROR: You need to type a URL! on local upload?


On-Line eStore

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