Miscellaneous Stats

OpenPHPnuke International Support Access Statistics

We received 4,014,532 pages views since May 2003

OS type
*nix37,4850.93 %
android326,6108.14 %
jvm10.00 %
mac1,312,91432.70 %
os26060.02 %
Unknown2,207,49054.99 %
win129,4273.22 %
Browser type
ahrefsbot1200.00 %
appengine-google40.00 %
applewebkit95,5782.38 %
baiduspider790.00 %
bingbot8780.02 %
ccbot6190.02 %
chrome1,032,41925.72 %
chromium90.00 %
curl180.00 %
docomo10.00 %
facebookexternalhit5780.01 %
feedfetcher-google10.00 %
firefox35,4040.88 %
galeon10.00 %
googlebot2,4790.06 %
googlebot-mobile10.00 %
iceweasel30.00 %
java1,2800.03 %
konqueror40.00 %
lex1,3550.03 %
links10.00 %
mail.ru10.00 %
maxthon20.00 %
mj12bot13,8590.35 %
mobile14,0890.35 %
mobile safari317,4517.91 %
mojeekbot180.00 %
mozilla160.00 %
msie260.00 %
msn20.00 %
mua30.00 %
naver10.00 %
netcraftsurveyagent80.00 %
netscape1,097,17327.33 %
openphpnuke120.00 %
opera18,0760.45 %
php10.00 %
python-requests3460.01 %
python-urllib190.00 %
safari1,293,94032.23 %
screaming frog seo spider110.00 %
seamonkey20.00 %
seznambot410.00 %
siteexplorer8,7560.22 %
sogou web spider8280.02 %
spider2,7110.07 %
trident18,7720.47 %
Unknown55,1081.37 %
webcrawler20.00 %
wget10.00 %
winhttp10.00 %
yandexbot2,3890.06 %
yandeximages70.00 %
yisouspider310.00 %

openPHPNuke Version: openPHPnuke 2.5.7 [Iphigenie] (Revision 8170)
Registered Users: 3243
Acronyms/Abbreviations 1
Download categories: 5
Downloads posted: 14
Categories in frequently asked questions: 4
Frequently asked questions: 23
Categories in HowTo: 2
Categories in Web Links: 3
Links in Web Links: 18
Active Tutorialtopics: 2
Tutorials: 2
Tutorialcomments : 1
Active Articletopics: 9
Articles published: 95
Articlecomments: 31
Articles waiting to be published: 4
Topics in Forum: 318
Posts in Forum: 1257
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